
On this page you will find the disclaimer for the website careers.favoritegifts.eu, as made available by Favorite Gifts B.V.

Limited liability

Despite the utmost care of Favorite Gifts B.V. for reliability and accuracy of the information of this website, inaccuracies may present themselves. Favorite Gifts B.V. accepts no liability for errors and omissions in the information that is presented on the Favorite Gifts B.V. website.

Our website contains links to other sites not maintained by Favorite Gifts B.V., which are solely for informational purposes for the visitor. While Favorite Gifts B.V. is highly selective with respect to the sites referenced, it cannot vouch for the content and operation, nor for the quality of any products or services offered. Any liability related to sites not maintained by Favorite Gifts B.V. will be dismissed.


This website and its content is copyright of Favorite Gifts B.V. Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, without the written permission of Favorite Gifts B.V..

This disclaimer can change from time to time.

If you discover errors or irregularities, or if there is any reason to doubt, we ask you to report this via our contact page so we can take appropriate measures.